Children, Baptism, and Lord’s Table

The role of parents (especially fathers) in the spiritual development of their children can be summed up with one word: discipleship. In what follows, I attempt to show the relationship between the discipleship of a child/youth and the sacraments of the church – baptism and the Lord’s Table.

Suffering, Grief, and the Bitter Providence of God

The hard truth is that suffering is a part of life. But how does a person manage the grief that comes with hardship? In this episode, I sit down with Aaron and Jocelyn Reichart as they open up about the loss of two children.

Additional Resources: A Gospel Primer by Milton Vincent; God is Good by Randy Alcorn; Suffering and the Sovereignty of God by RC Sproul Jr.; The Hidden Smile of God by John Piper

Objections to Calvinism (part 2 of 2)

In an attempt to be fair and balanced, we take on several objections to Calvinism. Listen to learn more about the great debate between Calvinism and Arminianism.

A Case For Calvinism (part 1 of 2)

Calvinism is hotly debated. What is Calvinism and is it biblical? In this podcast, Lagan and I talk about my favorite flower, a TULIP.

Anthropology 101

The debate between complementarianism and egalitarianism has been raging on for years. But these terms are meaningless for Christians to discuss and debate unless a foundation is laid. Only after biblical anthropology is laid from Genesis 1 will Genesis 2 and the rest of Scripture make sense.

Together for Good

Together for Good creates pathways for the church to come alongside vulnerable families in Christ-centered ministry. In this podcast, I sit down with Ashley Baker, the Iowa Director of TFG, and we discuss this ministry and how the church can partner to care for the vulnerable.

Subscription to a Confession (Part 4 of 4) 

In confessional denominations, one of the most debated issues is about subscription. Here is the question at hand: To what degree should an elder or eldership subscribe to a denomination’s Confession of Faith?

The Priority of Missions

Taking the gospel to the ends of the earth has always been the goal of evangelicalism. But what is a missionary, and what is the end goal of missions? I take up this topic with my good friend, Brooks Szewczyk. I think you will appreciate his insight.

A Vision of Confessionalism (Part 3 of 4)

A Confession of Faith serves as a tool for discipleship. Because of its robust theology – unlike most statements of faith – a confession can help a Christian understand the depth of Holy Scripture in great detail.

The Meaning of Christmas

Presents. Trees. And Christmas Lights. All these traditions are great, but what is Christmas really all about? Logan and I get into the weeds and discuss the true meaning of Christmas.