Every Square Inch: The Common Grace of God
It is not uncommon to hear another Christian pray about the common grace of God. So what is the common grace, and what does common grace tell us about God?
Every Square Inch: The Dominion Mandate
Taking dominion in the areas designated to you by God is hard work and requires taking responsibility.
An Optimistic Eschatology
What does it mean to be optimistic in your eschatology? I take on the question but ignore several others (for now).
Can You Be Christian and Non-Religious?
It is not uncommon to hear someone say they follow Jesus but are not religious. However, the claim has a few holes.
The Nature of Man and Woman in Redemption
In this podcast, we discuss God’s design for man and woman, and what marriage tells us about redemption.
Now The Real Work Begins
The fight against abortion is spiritual warfare. And because the battle for life is spiritual warfare, the tools with which Christians fight are spiritual and physical.
A Wolf In The Sheep Pen?
What are we to do when a wolf gets into the sheep pen? Fortunately, Jesus was clear about the danger of false prophets and teachers.
Modern Day Heretics, Asbury Theological Seminary, and the Lord’s Table (Part 2)
In this podcast, we discuss the importance of celebrating the Lord’s Table, some disagreements on this sacrament, and guidance for parents trying to discern if their kids should take communion.
Modern Day Heretics, Asbury Theological Seminary, and the Lord’s Table (Part 1)
What should Christians do when 21st-century pastors and teachers teach contrary to orthodox, historic Christianity? We have a few thoughts. Also, what is up with Asbury Theological Seminary? More thoughts.
2022 Hot Takes with Pastor Jacob Young (Part 1 of 2)
2022 was another interesting year and my guest, Jacob Young, joins me to reflect on the year that was.