Debates in Genesis 1

Listen or watch to learn what is not being said on Sunday morning about Genesis 1.
Hebrews: Overview and Review

Redemption Hill worked its way through the Book of Hebrews for almost a year. We learned a lot, and we are still pondering more. Take a listen or watch to hear our musings.
Can a Christian Walk Away from the Faith?

The Christian life is described as a race. But what happens when someone stops running? In this episode we talk about apostasy.
A False Gospel: The Prosperity Gospel

In Galatians, the Apostle Paul has strong words about the preaching of a false gospel. In the 21st century, another false gospel is running rampant.
A False Gospel: The Prosperity Gospel

In Galatians, the Apostle Paul has strong words about the preaching of a false gospel. In the 21st century, another false gospel is running rampant.
One Nation Under…The President of the United States

What should you look for in a politician? Let’s begin with a fear of God.
The Mighty Martin Luther (Part 2)

Martin Luther brought the match, gasoline, and dry straw to ignite the fire of the 16th-century Reformation. Learn more about this mighty reformer.
The Mighty Martin Luther (Part 1)

In this podcast, we begin to walk through the life and teachings of Martin Luther. The mark left by Luther cannot be overstated, and we explain why.
Secular Nationalism (*In part, inspired by C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters)

Dear Diary, I do not pray, but if I did, I would pray that America becomes a secular nation. In time, with the right strategies, it could happen.
Romans 4 vs. James 2

Is the Bible inerrant, or are there contradictions? We take up the question by looking at an alleged contradiction between Romans 4 and James 2.