Gospel-Centered Churches in Des Moines

God is at work in other churches. God, the Holy Spirit, is meeting the church’s needs down the street and across town. And it takes looking up and past the present circumstances to see the greater gospel mission. There are several great churches in the Des Moines metro, but I want to take a moment to highlight a few that are meaningful to me.

God, Government, and the Church

God is sovereign over the government, but how should the church engage government? In this episode, I was greatly helped by Greg and Léo from The Family Leader. Their thoughts have helped me, and I think they will help you. Take a listen and enjoy.

Contextualization and Church Planting

In this episode of Cornfield Theology Erik and Shawn talk about the importance of church planting and the contextual challenges faced by church planters. There is more we talk about, so take a listen and hear from two people who know the cost of church planting.

A New Class System is Emerging

People are divided into classes by economics, race, ethnic background, country, and religion. At present, in America, a new class is emerging. A new division is being created. The division is between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

Why We Are Pro-Life

Why are Christians given to pragmatism on the topic of abortion, especially when God’s Word is so clear? In this episode of Cornfield Theology, my guest, Kenny Ortiz, provides his thoughts on why we are firmly pro-life.

Moving Toward Biblical Justice

What does it look like to pursue biblical justice? Is there a difference between social justice and biblical justice? In this episode of Cornfield Theology, I discuss these questions with Erik McEntyre.

The Grace of God

The word grace is commonly used by Christians and in the church. Many church names include the word grace. My youngest daughter’s middle name is Grace. In the New Testament, the favorite salutation of the apostle Paul is grace and peace. One of the most memorized passages in the Bible is about grace (Ephesians 2:8). The term grace is a big deal. It’s a theological term that has massive practical implications.

When Scripture Speaks

The final judge for the examination and judgment of all religious controversies, decrees of councils, opinions of ancient writers, doctrines of men, and private spirits can be no other than Holy Scripture delivered by the Spirit. Our faith must rest when Scripture speaks. – TFC Confession of Faith 1.10