Anthropology 301
Imago Dei means image of God. Every human being is made in God’s image. No exceptions. The Greek term is ἐν Χριστῷ which means in Christ. Not all people are in Christ. But the latter is essential to understand Christian onology. Taken together, we see a beautiful picture of the nature and essence of a Christian.
Talking to Mormons (Part 2 of 2)
How can you engage Mormons? We talk about our experiences with Mormons in the podcast and practical tips to engage Mormons. This podcast is part two or two.
A Discussion About Mormonism (Part 1 of 2)
What do Mormons believe, and are Mormons a part of Christianity? In this podcast, we compare Mormon theology with historical and orthodox Christianity. This podcast is part one of two.
Principles for Reading the Bible
Principles of biblical interpretation are called hermeneutics. In academia, the field is called hermeneutics. For example, when you approach a painting, you attempt to interpret the meaning of the painting. When there is a major cultural event, the goal is to interpret to understand. In this sense, all people are engaged in hermeneutics.
Answering Objections to Christianity
It is good to ask questions. It is good to think well about what you believe. In this podcast, Logan and I take on common objections to Christianity. Joining us is producer Cory.
Children, Baptism, and Lord’s Table
The role of parents (especially fathers) in the spiritual development of their children can be summed up with one word: discipleship. In what follows, I attempt to show the relationship between the discipleship of a child/youth and the sacraments of the church – baptism and the Lord’s Table.
Suffering, Grief, and the Bitter Providence of God
The hard truth is that suffering is a part of life. But how does a person manage the grief that comes with hardship? In this episode, I sit down with Aaron and Jocelyn Reichart as they open up about the loss of two children.
Additional Resources: A Gospel Primer by Milton Vincent; God is Good by Randy Alcorn; Suffering and the Sovereignty of God by RC Sproul Jr.; The Hidden Smile of God by John Piper
Anthropology 201
A person can experience God’s work of redemption and restoration through faith in Jesus Christ. When faith breaths life on a heart dead to God, the sovereign grace of God spings for life. Because of Christ, there is hope for humanity to flourish by living out God’s grand design for men and women.
Objections to Calvinism (part 2 of 2)
In an attempt to be fair and balanced, we take on several objections to Calvinism. Listen to learn more about the great debate between Calvinism and Arminianism.
A Case For Calvinism (part 1 of 2)
Calvinism is hotly debated. What is Calvinism and is it biblical? In this podcast, Lagan and I talk about my favorite flower, a TULIP.