Christmas Sunday and a Hot Take

I want to offer a thesis that is bound to rankle some feathers. Christians should prioritize church this advent, especially on Christmas Sunday.

Christian Rituals

The word ritual is not commonly used in Evangelical circles. The word sounds archaic, and thoughts of lighting candles and incense come to mind. But perhaps evangelical churches should not be too quick to abandon the importance of rituals.

NonToxic Masculinity

What does it mean to be a man? In our culture, masculinity is frowned upon. Paternity is a swear word. In this episode of Cornfield Theology I chat with my friend Erik about a biblical view of men and masculinity.

Assurance of Salvation

How do you know if you will be saved? Is it possible to know that your salvation is sure? Take a listen to the latest podcast as we discuss one of the most misunderstood doctrines of the Christian faith.

The New Fundamentalists

Let’s make no mistake; biblical principles of orthodox Christianity are being challenged right now. The most recent example is from the Southern Baptist Convention. At the convention meeting in June of 2022, we saw a theological drift disguised in church politics.

Country Club Christianity

The church must make every effort to avoid the exclusive nature of a country club. Therefore, the church must reject “country club Christianity.”

God’s Design for Marriage

In this podcast, we talk about God’s design for marriage between a man and a woman. We begin in Genesis 1 and work our way to Ephesians 5. Take a listen to learn more.