Redeemed…or Just Renting?

In short, we are all tempted to treat our current bodies like a rental.
The Responsibilities of an Elder

I recently asked a few friends if there is a blog topic I should take on. My friend, Brooks Szewczyk, recommended I write about the responsibilities of an elder. You should note a distinction I will be making in this blog. I aim to explain the responsibilities of an elder and not the qualifications.
A God of Order

You might be surprised to learn that the God of the Bible is orderly. God has ordered creation, the home, the church, and to a certain degree, church gatherings. When a person accepts and embraces God’s order, there is flourishing.
On Forgiveness

Cancel culture has become a buzz phrase, but it’s disgusting, and it’s anti-Christian. Cancel culture is the opposite of biblical forgiveness.
Monday Morning Musings, July 5th, 2021

Monday Morning Musings is a hodgepodge of contemplations as I begin a new week. Check-in on Monday morning to receive a myriad of thoughts from my vapid brain. The written and audio can be found at Every Book and Every Word Matters When is the last time you read and studied 3 John? Not […]
Pastor, Repent of your People Pleasing

Qualifications for Pastoral Ministry When we think about the qualifications of a pastor for ministry, two primary passages in the New Testament deal most directly with this issue. The passages I’m referring to are Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Timothy 3:1-7. God, in His wisdom, saw fit to help the church discern how leadership should be […]
Monday Morning Musings, June 28th, 2021

Monday Morning Musings is a hodgepodge of contemplations as I begin a new week. Check-in on Monday morning to receive a myriad of thoughts from my vapid brain. COVID Changed Everything The human response to COVID is as varied as a Jackson Pollock painting. Some people who were not thought to be predisposed to fear […]
Does God “Whisper?”

The Back Story If you are Southern Baptist or like me and find yourself associating with Southern Baptist pastors, you were likely dialed into the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention. The SBC is the largest Protestant denomination in the United States. Because of its influence due to its sheer size, you will see Southern Baptist leaders […]
Monday Morning Musings, June 21th, 2021

Monday Morning Musings is a hodgepodge of contemplations as I begin a new week. Check-in on Monday morning to receive a myriad of thoughts from my vapid brain. My Monday Morning Musings include ongoing thoughts I have had about the divisions in our culture. I firmly believe the Bible can speak into our current cultural […]
No More Division

A Divided City – I grew up in Dubuque, Iowa. Dubuque was founded by a French-Canadian fur trader, Julian Dubuque, in 1785. In the 1800s, an influx of immigrants moved to Dubuque from Europe and crowded cities on the east coast. In particular, the Irish Catholics began to make their way to Dubuque, settling on […]