How To Glorify God At Work

A Christian does not cease to be a Christian when they leave church Sunday morning. They are not a Christian only when they read the Bible and pray. They are a Christian when they are at the grocery store, at a mall, or watching a football game. But, most of all, they are Christian when they go to work.
The New Fundamentalists

Let’s make no mistake; biblical principles of orthodox Christianity are being challenged right now. The most recent example is from the Southern Baptist Convention. At the convention meeting in June of 2022, we saw a theological drift disguised in church politics.
Country Club Christianity

The church must make every effort to avoid the exclusive nature of a country club. Therefore, the church must reject “country club Christianity.”
3 Objections to the Ressurection

n April 17th, churches from across the world celebrated the most important event in history: the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection is the foundation of the Christian faith, and if it were false, then the whole of Christianity would crumble.
Humility, Love, and Deliverance

Maundy Thursday is about the humility of Christ exemplified by the washing of the disciple’s feet. Maundy Thursday should cause us to love our friends and our enemies. After washing feet, Jesus celebrated the Passover meal, knowing that ultimate deliverance would come through his sacrificial death.
Anthropology 401

In Covenant Theology, God’s conditional covenant with Adam is called the covenant of works. But notice who has not been created yet. Eve. Is this a design flaw on the part of God, or is God’s design coming to fruition with reason and purpose? Indeed, there is no design flaw, but God works his plan to perfection.
Resisting Amnesia: Celebrating the Lord’s Table

Every week at Redemption Hill Church, we celebrate the Lord’s Table. We celebrate the Lord’s Table to remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. When a person remembers, they look back at an event. But remembering also means looking forward.
Let Them Be Accursed

Christian liberalism has thrown off the clothes of Christianity and is parading around in a mardi gras outfit. The outfit looks neat for a moment, but underneath the outfit is a false gospel.
Evidential and Presuppositional Apologetics: What’s the Difference?

The word “defense” in greek is ἀπολογίαν (apologian) which is where we derive the term apologetics. Therefore, the basic definition of apologetics is a reasoned defense of the faith. This defense could be a public and formal debate. However, apologetics will happen on a personal and individual level for the average Christian.
Anthropology 301

Imago Dei means image of God. Every human being is made in God’s image. No exceptions. The Greek term is ἐν Χριστῷ which means in Christ. Not all people are in Christ. But the latter is essential to understand Christian onology. Taken together, we see a beautiful picture of the nature and essence of a Christian.